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Legal terms

By accessing our Onestreet website users undertake to accept and agree to comply with all the conditions contained in this declaration. Access to the site and related services is intended for personal use only.
Our Onestreet website provides customers with information on the products offered together with the possibility of purchasing them.


Onestreet declines all responsibility for the possibility that, due to a particular configuration of the computer used by the customer or its malfunction, the colors of the products displayed on the site present slight differences from the original ones. The images of the products contained on our Onestreet website are property of Bisaccia Dario. Any use of these images, not authorized by a written consent by Bisaccia Dario, will be prosecuted according to law.

The availability of items on Onestreet reflects the exact availability of each item by size and color. The website is in fact connected to the shops and all the warehouses belonging to Bisaccia Dario and all its contents is property of Bisaccia Dario This includes documentation, images, design, music, software, codes and format scripts.

The material contained in the website is protected by copyright.
Any reproduction, alteration, transmission, publication or redistribution to third parties, for commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited without the express written consent provided by Bisaccia Dario
Bisaccia Dario prohibits the use of the content or trademarks on the site for any other purpose and purpose other than those mentioned above.


Bisaccia Dario publishes information on its site in order to provide a service to its customers, however declines all responsibility for the possibility of any technical or factual inaccuracies and / or typographical errors for which it is expected, following a report, immediate correction

Bisaccia Dario also reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the site whenever it deems it necessary without giving prior notice.
Bisaccia Dario does not offer any guarantee on the compliance of the information published on its site with the laws provided for by the jurisdiction of the Customer's country of residence.
Bisaccia Dario declines all responsibility for any problems, damages or risks that the user may encounter while using the site.

Bisaccia Dario guarantees that its Onestreet website is protected according to international standards for the Internet. If used correctly, the User is protected from the risk of viruses.

Bisaccia Dario declines all responsibility for any malfunctions related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.
Bisaccia Dario reserves the right to rectify / revise the terms and conditions contained in this legal notice, through an update of the same, whenever he deems it appropriate, without any obligation to give prior notice.
The user is required to comply with the terms contained in this legal notice, periodically checking for updates, changes and corrections.

Customer requirements 

To place orders on Onestreet Customers must:

- Be the end customer as defined in the Commercial Policy of Saddlebag Dario

- Be at least 18 years old.

- Possess the necessary requirements to be able to enter into legally binding contracts.

- Have a valid e-mail address.

- Have a valid credit card for payment: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or a verified PayPal account or a bank account.